Lean Linear Benches have flat seats made from exceptionally durable red-brown FSC hardwood or the TWIN material Bamboo Brown. The seats rest on simple galvanised steel supports. The benches can be linked to form long, linear, architectural seating areas. Various lengths of backrests are available and are attached separately within the stainless steel Streetlock® comb system. As a result of the Streetlife Streetlock® the slats can be individually removed, replaced and turned around so they can be used on both sides.
Lengths: 234 cm or 323 cm – 92” or 127”
Widths: 65 cm (one sided, 11 slats) – 26”
89 cm (two sided, 15 slats) – 35”

Possibilities and constraints
- Available in standard lengths of ca.234 or 323 cm
- Standard seating depths are ca.65 (11 slats) or 89 cm (15 slats)
- Available as floor mounted or ground mounted
- Longer setups are possible with extension modules